Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Le Ballet de Cour

  1. Dancing Couples (Bassa Danca)
  2. .
  3. Henry III: Court Ball (Courant)
  4. .
  5. La Volta: Henry III Court Ball
  6. .
  7. Queen Elizabeth (dancing "high"): Court Ball
  8. .
  9. Louis XIV: as Apollo in "The Ballet de la Nuit", 1653
  10. .
  11. Aristocratic wedding ball: Duc Jeyeuse
  12. .
  13. Aristocratic masque: The Fates
  14. .
  15. Aristocratic masque: Fawn, Sylvain & Pan
  16. .
  17. Aristocratic masque: Sylvane
  18. .
  19. Triumphal entry of Henry II into Lyon: 1548
  20. .
  21. Triumphal entry of Maximilian the Great on a caretta (car)
  22. .
  23. Duke of Joyeuse as Hymen
  24. .
  25. Marine demi-god: coral headress, shell neclace
  26. .
  27. Louis XIV as the god of War
  28. .
  29. Alison the Surly
  30. .
  31. Demons and Witches
  32. .
  33. Prince of demons (man-wolf) - Fronde
  34. .
  35. Chopines used
  36. .
  37. Bourgeois


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